Evening in Berkeley Hosted by The Open Way
Friday, December 19, 7:30pm
The Berkeley Yoga Studio
1250 Addison St., #209
Berkeley, CA
We are invited to receive the ultimate gift, for which there is no substitute, worth infinitely more than all our dreams and fantasies. We accept this gift by simply falling open.
Adam shares the direct experience of the heart and mind falling open. In this effortless opening the suffering involved in resisting feelings and believing thoughts spontaneously releases. The natural abundance of joy, peace, wisdom, and love becomes apparent and available.
“Adam has a very unique transmission that does wonderful things for my body – spa treatment”
– Pamela Wilson
“Adam delivers the essence of nondual awareness in an uncompromising form” – Peter Fenner
Adam is the founder of The Center for Nondual Awareness (www.nondualcenter.org), and the creator of “Falling Open,” a four-month online course that transforms the way participants experience life. He originally began publicly offering nondual teaching and coaching with the encouragement and support of Peter Fenner. Adam’s work has also been greatly influenced by the heart-centered teaching of Jeannie Zandi.